How to send defaulter notification through email & SMS notification?
Please follow the below steps to send defaulter notifications through email & SMS: Step 1: Go to Admin >>Income Tracker >> Defaulters. Step 2: Use the filter as per your requirement >> Go down and click on the select all button — >> Select Email Or ...
How to fetch defaulter list and send emails to them?
Please follow the steps below to fetch the defaulter list and send emails to them : Step 1: Go to Admin >> Income Tracker >> Defaulter >> Utilize the provided filters, and the list will be displayed on the screen. How to send an email: Step 2: At the ...
What is the mechanism used in filtering defaulters in Income Tracker?
Find below the aspects to understand the system mechanism in filtering defaulters list: There are four fields to be filled for filtering the defaulters list, Before fetching defaulters list system checks each fields value and accordingly fetch. i. ...