Please follow the below steps to Add Comments to the Helpdesk Request: Step 1: Login to ADDA -->> Admin -->> Helpdesk Tracker -->> Open Requests. Step 2: Click on the “View” option of the ticket that you wish to process >> Scroll down, you can add ...
You can refer to the following path to assess the due status of the unit while processing the ticket. Additionally, you can also view the total outstanding dues: Step 1: Login to ADDA -->> Admin -->> Helpdesk Tracker -->> Open Requests. Step 2: On ...
Please follow the below steps to create a helpdesk request on behalf of a resident: Step 1: Login to the ADDA portal -->> Admin -->> Helpdesk Tracker -->> Go to any of the submodules on Helpdesk Tracker Step 2: On the right-hand side you will find an ...
Please follow the blow steps to convert a personal helpdesk ticket to a community helpdesk ticket: Step 1: Login to ADDA -->> Admin -->> Helpdesk Tracker -->> Open Requests. Step 2: Click on the “View” option of the ticket that you wish to convert ...
Please follow the below steps to process Helpdesk requests: Step 1: Login to ADDA -->> Admin -->> Helpdesk Tracker -->> Open Requests. Step 2: Click on the “View” option of the ticket that you wish to process. A separate window pops up, here you can ...
Helpdesk Requests can be filtered based on ticket category, ticket status, unit number etc. Follow the below steps to filter open/closed Helpdesk Requests: Step 1: After Logging in, go to Admin -->> Helpdesk Tracker -->> Open Requests/Closed ...