Work flow of Restrictions & Violation Tracker

Work flow of Restrictions & Violation Tracker

 Setting up Restrictions & Violation Tracker 

1.Creating categories for Community Restrictions & Violations:

Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Community Restrictions & Violations >> Community Restrictions & Violations Setup. 
Step 2: Go to "Category Setup" >> Click on 'Add Category'. 
Step 3: In the new window, Enter the Category Title, Description >> Under Warning Sections, enter the 'Resolution Days' >> For Penalty Section, Select the 'Income Account', Due days & Penalty Amount >> Publish. 

Note: If you are not finding Relevant Income Accounts, you can create them under General ledger >> Chart of Accounts >> Income.

2. Setup level wise approvers for Community Restrictions & Violations:

Note :
  1. If a violation is raised by a Level 1 admin, it will first go to Level 2 admins for approval. Only after approval, it will be raised for a unit.
  2. If there are only L1 admins, the violations they submit will be directly published to the users.
  3. If you wish to include any admin in the list, please provide them with access to the 'Units & Users >> Access Control' section pertaining to Community Restrictions & Violations.
Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Community Restrictions & Violations >> Community Restrictions & Violations Setup. 

Step 2: Go to "Approvers Setup" >> You will find a list of admin who have access to the Community Restrictions & Violations module >> You have the flexibility to assign them to either Level 1 or Level 2 based on your specific needs >> Save. 

 Issuing a violation against a Unit

1. Issuing a warning against a Violation to a Unit:

Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Community Restrictions & Violation >> Open Violations. 

Step 2: Go to any tab like Awaiting Approval/Warning/Penalty >> Click on 'Lodge Violations'. 

Step 3: In the new window, select Category >> Unit Number >> Enter the Description >> Select the Stage as Warning(1st stage), attach the documents if you have anything >> Publish. 

The same will be available to residents by logging in to ADDA >> Home >> More >> Restrictions & Violations >> Open. 


2. Move a Violation to the Penalty stage:

Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Community Restrictions & Violation >> Open Violations. 

Step 2: Go to "Warning" Tab >> Find the Violation and click on Edit. 

Step 3: Move the Radio button to "Penalty" next to 'Stage' >> Save. 

Automatically, an invoice will be created against the unit and user can pay through online. 

The same will be available to residents by logging in to ADDA >> Home >> More >> Restrictions & Violations >> Open. 


3. Close the open violation against a unit: 

Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Community Restrictions & Violation >> Open Violations.

Step 2: Go to the tab Warning/Penalty >> Click on 'Edit'. 

Step 3: In the new window, change the status to "Closed" >> Save. 

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