Where we track Property Tax payment made to Government?

Where we track Property Tax payment made to Government?

This can be achieved by 2 steps.
A. Create a Vendor Account for Concerned Authority
B. Update payment made to Government for Property Tax.

A. Create a vendor account for concerned authority eg. T.M.T or MCGM in expense tracker as per process mentioned at this link.

Step 1. While creating account, select "Account Head" as "Taxes".

Step 2. Give the proper description in "Note" text box.

 B. Update payment made to Government for Property Tax.

Step 1: Login to ADDA -->> Admin –>> Expense Tracker

Step 2: Select “By Vendors”

Step 3: Click on the “Payment” button in the row of the vendor, you have created.
Note: A new window will appear showing all the open bills in the list.

Step 4: Enter the amount in the "Payment Amount" text box.

Step 5: Select mode of payment from Cheque, NEFT, Cash or DD

Step 6: If the mode of payment is selected as "Cheque", "NEFT" or "DD", Enter Cheque Number or NEFT Reference Number in the "Instrument Number*" text box.

Step 7: Enter Narration in the "Comments" text box if any.

Step 8: Select the bank account from which the cheque is issued to make the above payment, If payment is deposited by cash into the bank specifically notified by govt. for collection of property tax, please select "Petty Cash" from the list box for "Bank & Cash Account".

Step 9: Select the date on which the transaction is made under the "Post On" date selector.

Step 10: Click on the "Post Amount" button.

Once the transaction is posted, you can double verify the same by checking the ledger for "Taxes".

How to check a transaction in a ledger account? Click here https://support.adda.io/portal/en/kb/articles/what-is-query-tab-in-general-ledger-application