What is the process for E-Invoice generation in Income Tracker?

What is the process for E-Invoice generation in Income Tracker?

E-Invoicing can be facilitated through the following methods:

1. Auto Invoice Feature:

  • E-Invoicing is seamlessly integrated with the Auto Invoice feature.

2. Ad-hoc Invoices Generation: 

E-Invoices can be generated using the Adhoc Invoices approach. To do so:

  • Access Income Tracker >> Member Income >> Sub Ledger.

  • Choose the unit number for which E-Invoices are to be generated.

  • Click on "Invoices" and proceed to generate Invoice.

  • Next step is to submit these invoices for E-invoice generation, Income tracker >> Member Income >> Bulk Posting >> E-invoice Reconciliation >>Reconcile E-invoice

3. Bulk Invoices Generation:

 E-Invoices can also be generated in bulk by following these steps:

  • Access Income Tracker >> Member Income >> Bulk Posting.

  • Check the option for "Post Invoice In Bulk."

  • Select Generate Invoices using an Excel. Please note that E-Invoicing is applicable for Multi-Line Invoices, specifically those with 5 or 15 Line Items.

  • Next step is to submit these invoices for E-invoice generation, Income tracker >> Member Income >> Bulk Posting >> E-invoice Reconciliation >>Reconcile E-invoice