Uploading Unit Data

Uploading Unit Data

You must first upload the Community's unit data, which contains information such as block, unit number, square feet, and billing name
Unit Number: Each apartment typically has a unique unit number or identifier for tracking and management purposes. 
Square Feet (SQFT): The size of the apartment.
Category: This will apply if the management is categorizing units based on various factors such as the number of bedrooms (BHK-wise), occupancy status, and applying different charges accordingly.
Occupancy Status: Indicates if the unit is inhabited by the Owner, Tenant, Builder, or is vacant.
Billing  name: The name that should appear on invoices for this unit (typically the Primary Owner, but could be a company name, etc.).

 To upload the unit data in bulk kindly follow the below steps:

Step 1: Go to Income Tracker >> Track Units >> Essential Bulk Upload.

Step 2: In the Unit details section, click on Upload using CSV >> Download the provided CSV template.

Step 3: Fill in the Template
   Enter the required information (Block/Phase/Cross, Unit, Category, Occupancy Status, etc.).
   For Occupancy Status, use:(1 for Owner, 2 for Tenant ,3 for Vacant ,4 for Builder)
Step 4: Save the filled template as a CSV file on your computer.
   - Return to Income Tracker >> Track Units >> Essential Bulk Upload.
   - Click on Upload using CSV in the Unit details section.
   - Drag and drop your file or browse to select it.

Step 5: Select the filled template >> Click on Preview to check the details >> Click on Submit and then YES to confirm.

 Follow these steps to upload the billing name:

Step 1: Go to Income Tracker >> Track Units >> Essential Bulk Upload.

Step 2: Mailing/Billing address section, click on Upload using CSV >>  Download the provided CSV template.

Step 3: Fill in the Template >> Add the bill to the name.

Step 4: Save the filled template as a CSV file on your computer.
       - Return to Income Tracker >> Track Units >> Essential Bulk Upload.
       - Click on Upload using CSV in the Mailing/Billing address section.
       - Drag and drop your file or browse to select it.

Step 5:  Select the filled template >> Click on Preview to check the details >> Click on Submit and then YES to confirm.

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