Notification Troubleshoot - I am not receiving ADDA App Notifications on my phone

Notification Troubleshoot - I am not receiving ADDA App Notifications on my phone

Notification Troubleshoot guide

Step 1: We have a simple screen in the App which can help you understand why you are not receiving notifications. This is how you can use this feature.
If you see any of the following screens during test notifications, click on “Enable” or “Battery” for respective issues and Run test notification again.

Step 2: Make sure that you have enabled the notifications from inside the ADDA App

  1. For Visitor Notifications please go to More > Settings > Gatekeeper Settings. Ensure that “Notify by App Notification” is enabled.

  1. For other notifications like Community Posts, etc. please go to More > Settings > Notification Settings. Ensure that the various relevant settings are enabled.

Step 3: In case the above methods do not work, then most probably there might be some phone specific reason for the notifications not getting delivered.
(Functioning of notifications depends on a lot of factors like device manufactures, OS versions, network connectivity, recency of the app usage and so on.)


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :

Go to Settings >> Notifications >> Choose ADDA App >>
Allow Notifications , Sound & Badges must be enabled here.

Other Troubleshooting methods:

1. Turn off Power saving -
Go to Settings>Battery and make sure “Low Battery Mode” is not on.

2. For minor OS or Cache Issues -
Just a simple restart of the phone can potentially solve such issues.

3. Turn off Do not Disturb mode -
Head to “Settings” in your iPhone, look for “Do Not Disturb” and turn it off.

4. Turn ON “Show Previews”
Go to Settings>Notifications, and change setting for “Show Previews” to “Always”

5. Upgrade iOS version :
Often iOS updates are launched by Apple to introduce new and better features for your iDevices and to fix bugs which may cause issues like iPhone notifications not working.
Go to Settings > General> Software Update > Download and Install to upgrade to the newest iOS version

6. Network Reset:
The Wi-Fi or network connection issues might cause notification issues. You can reset the network settings by going to Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings>Confirm Resetting.
It is harmless to do this reset. Though it will restart your phone, it does not remove any of your phone data, Apps, etc.


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :

Go to Settings >> Apps >> Choose ADDA App >> Notifications >>
Turn On “Show notifications”

select “Allow sound & Vibration”

Click on “Notification Categories” and ensure that all notifications are selected/enabled.

Other Troubleshooting methods:

Turn On lock screen notifications:

Go to Settings >> Lock Screen > Turn on Notifications

Turn off battery Optimization:

Go to Settings >> Apps >> Choose ADDA App >> Battery >> Select “Unrestricted”.

Allow Adda App to use data in background:

Go to Settings >> Apps >> Choose ADDA App >> Mobile Data >> Enable “Allow background data usage”.

Enable Appear on Top

Go to Settings >> Apps >> Choose ADDA App >> Enable Appear on top.

After changing the App settings, restart the phone for better performance.


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :
Go to Settings >> Notification & status bar >> App notification management >> choose ADDA app
Enable “Allow Notification”

ADDA (Priority display) >> enable “Allow notification” >> Importance>> choose “Priority display”

Other troubleshooting methods:

Enabling Autostart for ADDA App:

Go to Settings >> Applications and Permissions >> Permission Management >> Autostart >> Enable “ADDA” to Autostart.

Allow ADDA to run in the background.

Go to Settings >> Battery >> High background power consumption >> Enable ADDA App

After changing the App settings, restart the phone for better performance.


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :
Go to Settings >> Notification & status bar >> Manage Notifications >> select ADDA >> “Allow Notifications” & All the notifications in “Notification Categories” must be enabled.

Other troubleshooting methods:

Enabling “Wake screen when Notification received on Lock screen”:

Go to Settings >> Notification & status bar >> enable “Wake screen when Notification received on Lock screen”

Allow ADDA to run in the background.

Go to Settings >> Battery >> App battery management >> choose ADDA App >> Enable all the available options.

After changing the App settings, restart the phone for better performance.


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :
Go to Settings >> Apps and notifications >> choose ADDA App >> Notifications >> Enable “Show Notifications”

Other troubleshooting methods:
Exclude ADDA from battery optimization:

Go to Settings >> Battery >> Battery Optimization >> Tap “Apps not optimize” & select “All Apps” >> choose ADDA App >> select “Don't Optimize”

Set App storage to clear normally:

Go to settings >> System >> Recent app Management >> Normal Clear

After changing the App settings, restart the phone for better performance.


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :

Go to Settings >> Notifications & Status bar >> App Notifications >> select ADDA App >> Enable All Notifications.

Other troubleshooting methods:

Enable Autostart for ADDA App:

Go to Settings >> Manage Apps >> choose ADDA app >> enable “ Auto start”

Exclude ADDA from battery optimization:

Go to settings >> Manage Apps >> choose ADDA app>> Battery saver >> select No restrictions.

After changing the App settings, restart the phone for better performance.


Ensure that App notifications for ADDA app is enabled :
Go to "Settings" >> Apps & notifications >> Notifications >> choose ADDA app >> Enable “Show notifications” & enable all other notification categories.

Other troubleshooting methods:

Enable Autostart for ADDA App:

Go to Settings >> Manage Apps >> choose ADDA app >> enable “ Auto start”

Exclude ADDA from battery optimization:

Go to settings >> Battery >> Battery optimization >> select “optimized” from dropdown >> If you see ADDA app in this list please select it >> choose “Don't Optimize” >> Done.

After changing the App settings, restart the phone for better performance.

Generic Android/ 3rd party settings

We do not recommend having 3rd party App optimization Apps(Clean master, greenify etc) as they hinder the performance of your phone and other Apps. However if you have any 3rd party optimization apps please ensure that ADDA app is excluded(Whitelisted) from optimization.

Still facing issues? Raise a request to ADDA support.

Please let us know the following information when you raise a support request with us. It will help us investigate and resolve your issue faster.
Did you receive Test Notification ?

Are you not getting any ADDA related notifications, or are you getting some (like related to Community, Helpdesk, etc.) and not getting some (like visitor approval notifications, etc.)

Do you face this issue all the time? Meaning, are you not getting notifications at all? Or does it happen on some occasions? If on certain occasions, then how often do you face this issue?

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