Please follow the below steps to upload opening balance for non-members:

The capability to upload opening balance for Non-Member Income is exclusive to the ADDA Moderator.
Step 1: Log in to ADDA>> Admin >> Income Tracker>> Non-Member Income
Step 2: Go to "Bulk Posting" >> There are two ways as below:
1. Batch Upload:
Go to Direct Posting >> Click on “Opening Balance in Batch” >> In the new window, you will find a Vendor List, next to the vendor >> Enter the comment >> Enter the Amount(In case of Dues mention the amount(Like 1000), In case of Advances, mention the amount in negative(-1000) >> Enter the Date >> Calculate Total & Save.
2. Excel Upload:
i. Go to Posting via Excel >> Opening Balance using Excel >> In the new window, step 1, download the template >> Fill the data into the template as per the instructions in steps 2 >> Save the file in CSV and upload the same.
ii. Fill in all the data as per the template downloaded>>Upload the document(in case of excel) or Save(in case of batch upload).