Once an invoice is created, it becomes a legal document, and as an administrator, you won't be able to edit the invoice amount, invoice date to maintain the integrity of financial records. However, we can guide you on the appropriate steps to make ...
Please follow the steps below to post an ad-hoc invoice for a single unit: Step 1: Navigate to Income Tracker - ->> Member Income - ->> Click on 'Invoice' against the required unit. Step 2 : Enter the amount - ->> Select the Income Head - ->> Add ...
Please follow the steps below to post a multi-line invoice for a single unit: Step 1: Navigate to Income Tracker -->>> Member Income -->>> Search for the unit -->>> Click on "Invoice." Step 2: Proceed to Post Multi-Line Invoice -->>> Select the ...
Follow the steps below to meet your requirement: Step 1 - Create a Builder A/c GL under General Ledger>>Chart of Accounts>>Liability Step 2 - Pass the following journal entry: Bank A/c.......Dr (Asset) Builder A/c....Cr (Liability) Step 3 - Go to ...
Please follow the steps below to Create an Invoice for Non Member Income : Step 1 : Go to Admin >>Income Tracker >> Non member Income Tab. Step 2 : By Vendor >> Find the Vendor & Click on Invoice Tab. Step 3: Enter the Amount -- >> Apply GST(If ...