How to pass an entry for the TDS remitted to government?

How to pass an entry for the TDS remitted to government?

To Pass an Entry for TDS remitted, Please follow the below steps:

Step 1: Login to ADDA -->>Admin –>> Bank & Cash –>> Taxes. 

Step 2: Click on TDS.

Step 3: Click on the “Enter TDS Remitted” button at down on the screen.

Note: A New window will appear showing the TDS Payable Transactions.

Step 4: Please Select the Checkbox against which TDS is remitted to Government.

Step 5: Edit the amount, if the remitted amount is less than TDS Payable amount in respective row, else keep as it is.

Step 6: Select Instrument Type as Cheque / NEFT / Cash / DD.

Step 7: Enter Instrument Number.

Step 8: Enter if any comments in the text box next to “Comments”.

Step 9: Select the respective Bank account.

Step 10: Select date at “Post On”.

Step 11: Click on “Post Amount”.
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