How to generate Auto Invoices on ADDA?

How to generate Auto Invoices on ADDA?

If you want to generate system-generated invoices with a single click, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Log into ADDA >> Admin >> Income Tracker >> Member Income >> Bulk Posting.

Step 2: Under the section "Post Invoices in Bulk" >> Click on the link "Generate Auto-Invoices".

Step 3:Enter Month as per your requirement -->> Click on Generate where Applicable. (Before clicking on you need to check your auto-invoicing setting).

Note: If you have enabled Automatic Generation of Maintenance Bills, ADDA will automatically generate the Maintenance Bills on the 1st of every month/quarter/half-yearly based on your Setting.

Please ensure you change this setting before 4:00 AM on the day of bill generation. If you missed this window, you can manually click on Generate Where Applicable button.