How to change or edit payee’s name for printing the Cheque?
Payee name can be edited or change while printing the Cheque to the vendor because in some cases payee's name was differing.
Step 1: Login to ADDA ->> Admin ->> Expense tracker->> Make the payment to the vendor by entering all the payment details.
Step 2: Open the account statement of the vendor by clicking on the view button to that respective vendor.
Step 3: Click on the edit button very right to the payment voucher.
Step 4: Enter or overwrite the payee name in the text box of the Payee Name->>Save Changes.
Step 5: Click on the Payment Voucher Number for opening the payment voucher.
Step 6: At the bottom of the payment voucher clicks on the Print Cheque radio button.
Step 7: Insert the Cheque into the printer and give the print command (Ctrl+P). The cheque will be printed.
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