How can the Customized Footer be modified for specific invoices?

How can the Customized Footer be modified for specific invoices?

If you need to include specific notes for particular invoices, you can utilize the following option. While it may not be required in most instances, if you encounter a unique scenario, such as the need to collect emergency funds, you can provide an explanation here and specify the range of Invoice Numbers for which you want to apply this.

Please follow the below steps to Customized Footer be modified for specific invoices:

Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Admin >> Income Tracker >> Set up >> Customize Bill.

Step 2: Scroll to Down and you will find the option called "Member Income for the following the bills" >> Click on "Create New Footer Member Income". 

Step 3: In the upcoming window, input the From and To Invoice numbers for which the customized footer needs updating, then enter the notes >> Save Changes.

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