How to get started with the Helpdesk Tracker?

How to get started with the Helpdesk Tracker?

HelpDesk Tracker is the Online Complaint Register of your Society, and of course much more. The HelpDesk Tracker comes with some default categories, so users can lodge HelpDesk Tickets readily. Here are the quick steps to configure or edit the default categories.


As informed, the system will be having default categories which will be used by most of the Apartments/Villas. If you want to edit/Add the categories, please follow the below steps: 

Step 1: Login to ADDA >> Admin >> Dashboard >> HelpDesk Tracker >> Setup.

You have the option to either edit the existing categories or create new ones in the provided blank field. After making changes, remember to save them.

Step 2: For each HelpDesk Category, you can designate a Level 1 Category Owner. This individual, often an Admin or Point of Contact for that specific category, will receive Email/SMS notifications whenever a ticket in that category is submitted.

Please note: To assign an admin as a Level 1 Category Owner, they must have access to the Helpdesk Tracker, which can be granted under 'Units & Users' through 'Access Control.

Step 3: Enable the checkbox “To include the phone number of the resident in the SMS sent to L1 Owner whenever a Request is registered", if required. 

Step 4: Scroll to the bottom and choose Notification options, if you want to alert the Admins for every request that is lodged in your apartment, check the checkbox next to their name.

Step 5: Click Save Changes.

A Request can be auto-escalated to the person on the next level/Admin when no update happens to it within a certain time frame set by the Admin. The minimum time in which a Complaint can be escalated is 1 day. Requests can’t be escalated if there is an update in the ticket in certain hours.

You can set up Multi-Level Escalation here. An Email will go to higher Levels if the request has not been updated in the requisite number of days:

Step 1: Login to ADDA -->> Admin -->> HelpDesk Tracker -->> Escalation.

Step 2: Click "View" on the category, if you wish to do the escalation setup. A separate window pops up.

Step 3: Choose the Level 1 Owners responsible for handling tickets in a specific category according to your workflow.  Also, you have the flexibility to select up to 3 Administrators who can be assigned to shifts based on their working hours. Depending on their assigned shifts, email notifications will be sent to them when a ticket is lodged.

Additionally, you can opt to send SMS notifications to Level 1 Owners, with three available options:

1. Shift Owners: This sends SMS notifications to the person available during the respective shift.
2. All Owners: This sends SMS notifications to all Level 1 Owners regardless of their shifts.
3. Don't Send SMS: You can deactivate SMS notifications for Level 1 Owners."

Step 4: To escalate the request to Level 2, you can designate the next-level contact, who may be a person from the management level. You have the option to select two Level 2 owners as Primary and Secondary contacts.

You must specify the number of days within which the request should be escalated. Additionally, you can enable the 'Owner 2 Send SMS' option. This setting will initiate an Email/SMS escalation of the request at 9:30 AM in accordance with your configured settings.

Step 5: Same as in Step 3, you can set Escalation to Level 3 and Save.

Step 6: Enable the "Send SMS" option for Level 2 and Level 3 Owners in case you wish to send SMS to those owner levels.

Note: Request will be escalated at 9:30 Am & SMS will be sent at that time

Now your Helpdesk Tracker is set and ready for the users to start lodging their complaints!

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