ADDA integrates with payment gateway vendors like "Gravity," enabling online payment methods such as ACH and card payments. Owners can conveniently set up auto payments through the portal, and admins also have the capability to set up ACH for owners on their behalf.
As an Admin, here's how to set up ACH for Owners:
Step 1: Navigate to the ADDA Admin dashboard -->> Income Tracker -->> Member Income -->> Search for the Unit from the list >> Click on the “Collection” tab against the unit.
Step 2: At the bottom of the screen, you will see an option “Setup ACH” -->> Click on that “Setup ACH” -->> It will prompt you to set the amount limitation -->> Update the details against this option “Recurring Payment Amount (not to exceed):” -->> Click on “Setup ACH”
Step 3: Now you can fill in the ACH details like Select either a checking account or a Savings account, put the Account Name, Routing number, Account Number -->> Click on Submit
Once submitted, it will display a success screen - ACH Has been set up successfully for this unit.
As an Admin, here's how to cancel an ACH for Owners:
Step 1: Navigate to the ADDA Admin dashboard -->> Income Tracker -->> Member Income -->> Search for the Unit from the list -->> Click on the “Collection” tab against the unit.
Step 2: At the bottom of the screen, you will see an option “Setup ACH” -->> Click on that “Setup ACH” -->> Click on “ Delete ACH Setup”